Many thanks to the brilliant AllyDLV
for taking time to talk to me. :)
After some technical difficulties
from my side and off topic questions…
Mandy: Shall we get started? :) I
have some easy questions, and then questions about the story. The rest I'll
have to wing it, because I read the story in one go without stopping to think
about questions. *Facepalm*
Ally: Yeah, sure!
Mandy: Tell us a little about
yourself and how you found/got into writing Twilight/Vampire Diaries crossover
Ally: Well... I'm a
Graphic Designer, completely passionate with my career, even though I haven't
really practiced it a lot in the past three years. I've always had a pretty
strong creative urge to do things. My
mind tends to just fly away on its own constantly and I'm always thinking about
different scenarios in my head about the things I see on my day to day life.
Ally: I got into
writing Fanfiction like... ten years ago? I started this story that I never
finished writing, but that was all plotted out in my head, it had nothing to do
with TVD or Twilight. I was, (honestly still am) a huge Backstreet Boys fan,
and I started writing a fic about them, wayyy before when
allowed writing about people and not only tv/book characters.
Mandy: You removed it from your
Ally: I don't remember
what happened... I think removed all of those stories.
Ally: I might have a
copy somewhere; it would be very funny to find it.
Mandy: Would you be cringing or
laughing when reading over it? :D
Ally: It might be in
some old dusty diskette... yep, thats how old it is!
Ally: Probably
Ally: :)
Ally: So TVD and
Twilight came when I finished reading the TVD books, and watched the first few
eps of the tv series
Mandy: What inspired you to write
Shattered + Fix You the way you did? Just the scenes in your mind or something in real life?
(Vague or decline to answer if you want)
Ally: I really loved
Damon from the start, and I hated that he was always cast aside like the bad
guy, the one that was never loved, the third wheel
Ally: So I thought
about Twilight, and how much I really disliked the books.
Ally: And I have no
idea how, or why, but I started picturing Bella and Damon together
Ally: I mean, Damon
could teach her a thing or two about confidence and having fun, and Bella
could just love him
after getting over Edward.
Mandy: I think that's what brought
*me* to the fandom; the fact that if Bella could mature, it would be probably by Damon's very capable,
delicious, and dangerous hands.
Ally: Exactly.
Ally: I really thought
that Bella forgave Edward waaaay too easily in the books
Ally: She had no self
respect what so ever.
Ally: I had read a few
crossover fics, but what bothered me was the pace at which things
happened. In my head, it didn't
make sense that Damon and Bella fell in love at first sight. We're talking
about two characters that
have both been hurt, really bad.
Ally: That's when I
started writing my own fic.
Ally: :)
Mandy: Is that why friendship came
first? Do you believe a friendship is necessary before a relationship, or can it be formed
after the tingly feelings of first crush are over?
Ally: I think that the
base for any relationship is trust, and you have to build that trust. When
you've been hurt, like these
two, you build up walls, and hold people up to very high standards before
letting them in. I think that Bella and Damon needed to trust each other before
allowing themselves to explore their other
Ally: In real life
though, I think anything can happen.
Ally: In my case, I
tend to be very shy. I like to know the person first before diving into a relationship.
Mandy: Less insecurity that way, if
you already know the type of person he/she are.
Ally: Exactly.
Mandy: Any crossovers you're reading
right now and LOVING, and want to recommend? :)
Ally: Honestly... I
haven't been reading anything lately :( I've been real busy with a bunch of
other things in my personal
life. I really enjoy emeraldphoenix23's stories.
Ally: :) She's an
awesome lady.
Mandy: She is! It's been a pleasure
talking to her. I'd read one of her stories, but we never got talking until she joined the group. :)
Mandy: How do you deal with writer's
Ally: I get that a
lot. That's why I take so long to update. Even though I know where the story
is going I'm stuck.
Ally: Sometimes I
don't know how to start a scene, or a conversation. So what I do is that I
either watch a few bits of
TVD or I read a little of both series to get going. Sometimes talking about
the chapter with someone
Ally: Their input gets
me thinking.
Ally: Some other times
I just need to shut off the real world and just concentrate on my writing.
Mandy: How often do you take away
time from your real life to write?
Ally: Not as much as
I'd like to... lol...
Ally: Sometimes it's a
few minutes in the morning, or a few hours in the afternoon. Sometimes I'm
at work and inspiration
strikes, so I have to jot things down on post it's so that I don't forget and
work on the story when I get home...
Ally: It's never
constant though...
Ally: I don't rush it.
I write when I write. There's no schedule.
Mandy: Was it difficult writing
Damon and his snarky self or did it come naturally?
Ally: Why do you think
there's no Damon POV ever?
Ally: LOL
Ally: Dear Lord, I
don't know how that man thinks.
Mandy: But his actions! They're
always true to his character, and Bella's observations of him are usually on.
Ally: I over think his
lines a lot.
Mandy: Like, you hint at something
and let us think about it before Bella observes them later in the chapters.
Ally: Aww. Thanks!!!!
I really try to do him justice; I tend to write his speeches over and over. I
go: that doesn't sound like him, that's too soft, too snarky, not enough
Ally: The man drives
me crazy.
Mandy: Do you ever feel satisfied
with his dialogues or at the end you just hope that whatever he says will have
enough character?
Ally: Sometimes....
I'm never completely sure...
Ally: For example, I
LOVE the way that Emeraldphoenix23 writes her Damon.
Ally: I always wish I
could write him more like that.
Mandy: What characteristics of her
Damon can you list off the top of your head?
Ally: I like his
attitude. He is super cocky, and confident and I just love the answers she
comes up for him to say.
Mandy: Sequels are often hard to
live up to the first story. Why did you go that route rather than continue the
story as just one?
Ally: Mmmm... I think
it has to do with Bella's growth. Shattered Bella is different from Fix You
Bella. She has grown. Shattered was about Bella growing into her skin and
feeling comfortable in it as a human. Her being able to create new friendships
outside the Cullens, giving her the space to mend. In Fix You, she has mended,
she has new friends, she is more confident, and she is discovering her new
life. It's a different type of self discovery path. And in Fix You she's ready
to open up again and start living her life.
Mandy: The story writing changes
after I believe there was a bit of temporary hiatus? It starts off by telling
emotions, and then changes to SHOWING emotions, the writing advancing. What
Ally: I think I
changed. You see, English is not my first language. There was a time when I was
in high school when I spoke and wrote in English every day. But then I went to
college and started working and never ever spoke English. So I guess I wasn't
as fluent as I used to be. I wasn't in the bilingual mindset. When I started
writing more often things just came easier. So I guess that shows in the
Ally: Oh, I also read
a book on writing
Ally: So maybe some of
the things I read there helped too
Ally: lol
Ally: There are a
series of books called: Write great fiction. I don't remember the author
Ally: Let me see if I
can find the book on barnes and noble
Ally: Super good
Ally: My sister got me
into them.
Mandy: Awesome! Those would really
help the aspiring authors. :)
Ally: :)
Mandy: Did you find it difficult to
write Bella maturing while keeping her in character?
Ally: I don't think
writing Bella is that difficult.
Ally: She isn't that
complex of a character.
Ally: Pretty plane, in
my opinion.
Mandy: But her point of'd
written her in the heartbreak condition while helping mature her without
actually telling the readers. Was it difficult to do so underhandedly?
Ally: I know people
are probably going to kill me for saying that. But it's how I feel about her
and the whole Twilight series.
Mandy: One-dimensional.
Ally: Yep.
Ally: I think we've
all felt what she felt at some point
Ally: So maybe I went
from personal experience.
Ally: But I really
don't find her difficult to write.
Mandy: I don't think teenagers in
the world should be idolizing her, as she gave up personal goals and her family
to be with a guy she loved. :/ I've seen that happen one too many times in
life, and it's just sad to witness.
Ally: True. I agree.
Mandy: As Bella spends more time
with Damon, she’s becoming dependant on him rather than Edward. In your words, how is their
relationship different than Bella and Edward’s—assuming that the readers were
not able to pick up on the hints between the lines.
Ally: Well... she is
becoming dependant on Damon, and Damon on her. *spoiler alert* Because of
Bella's ability.
Ally: The relationship
is different because Damon lets her be. He trusts her. He doesn't underestimate
her. He believes in her. He knows she's strong. Because deep inside I think he
identifies with her
Ally: Edward thought
Bella couldn't take anything, that's why he ran away in New Moon.
Ally: He made all the
Ally: Never let her
think for herself.
Ally: All the Cullens
did that.
Mandy: About Bella's ability...
Could you elaborate on that and Bella and Damon's dependency on each other? :D (I'm probably pushing
it here...)
Ally: Yeah, I'm not
going to answer that one ;)
Ally: Nice try
Mandy: I tried...I
Mandy: *Hangs head* ;)
Ally: :P
Mandy: Can you answer on why you had
that ability included? Is there a particular reason or just for the purpose of their relationship
extending beyond what it had been?
Mandy: Because that type of intimacy
can't be achieved even through physical connection.
Ally: The relationship
grows stronger because they relate to each other. The ability only affects their needs. Their whole
relationship isn't happening just because of her ability.
Mandy: No, no, I meant... the trust
in the relationship. It's being altered because of the ability? Growing deeper?
Ally: Oh.. yes.
Ally: LOL
Ally: Sorry
Ally: (worry)
Mandy: *Giggles* No worries.
Mandy: There can be multiple ways a
sentence can be taken. ;)
Mandy: I understand that both have
been hurt...but is there any way Damon is taking their physical relationship slow so that Bella can
be comfortable with their new found advancement? For her to discover that he wouldn't leave her,
he doesn't think he's superior, that he wouldn't manipulate her? Anything in addition to that? :P
Ally: All of the above, and I think deep inside Damon doesn't think he deserves any of it. He's never been loved in return. So he's being careful too.
Ally: ;)
Mandy: Does he think of Bella as
"pure", too?
Ally: I haven't
thought about that... but I guess so...
Ally: He's not putting
her up on a pedestal or anything...
Ally: But I guess he
thinks of her as pure in some way...
Mandy: I love that part. :D He
doesn't underestimate her, but at the same time, he understands her needs better than she does, perhaps?
I keep getting the vibe that he's keeping their physical relationship slow because he
understands she needs time to take it all in.
Ally: Point on.
Ally: Bella gets
overwhelmed easily. He knows that.
Ally: She over thinks,
he knows that. He learned that when he creeped on her as Mr. Crow.
Ally: ;)
Mandy: How can we forget that! He
even ate some corns out of her palm. ;)
Ally: Acting.
Mandy: It was definitely the first
time I'd ever wanted to huggle a crow. o.O
Ally: :)
Mandy: Not to mention stealing a
nest just to have it outside her window. :D
Ally: He was gaining
her trust.
Ally: Damon gets what
he wants. And he wanted to get into her head.
Mandy: I love the way you had his
personality. Maybe acting, maybe not... But the whole snarky comments, but underhandedly making
up for those with sweet actions as a crow.
Mandy: That, too. LOL. Him and his
secret agenda...
Ally: Yay!
Ally: I really tried!
Mandy: It shows. :) Amazing story.
It's more original than fanfiction if you remember the names of the characters and include
in a different hurt past.
Mandy: The story had Bella's
character developing in a way that Twilight lacked.
Ally: Aww...
*blushes* :$
Mandy: Deserved praise.
Mandy: In your words, what's the
moral behind your story? Assume that you're telling this to a 2 year old. :D
Ally: Umm... I guess
that I want to make Bella a stronger person. To value herself. She's
doubting herself because of a
guy, and that shows serious self esteem issues. Your relationship doesn't
define you. Your happiness can't depend on others. You have to be comfortable
in your own skin, know who you are and not be afraid to be that person.
Ally: You are worth
fighting for. Don’t go begging for love.
Ally: Or forgiving
asses who treat you like crap.
Mandy: LOL. I love the way you
worded your sentence. :D
Ally: I don't think
Bella is a good heroin in the books.
Mandy: Most in Bambi's Beloved agree
with that sentiment. ;)
Ally: She represents
all the wrong things to look up to in my opinion...
Mandy: Any pending works that you
want to give us a preview of other than your current works?
Ally: Nope. I think
I'm done after I finish this one. I'm all out of ideas for now.
Mandy: Any hints you'd want to give
as to what's coming up in the story? Any teasers? :D
Ally: If I come up
with something else I'll post it.
Ally: Oh. The next
chapter is my favourite chapter so far.
Ally: It was super fun
to write.
Ally: I had been
wanting to write that chapter for like, a year.
Mandy: Hiiiiiiiint. You can't leave us
like this!
Mandy: What's it about? What's going
to happen? What can we expect? :D
Bella and Edward come face to face. Damon will be pissed. Elena will be pissed.
Jasper will be pissed. Emmett will be pissed. Alice will be pissed. Edward will
mope *rolls eyes* |-(
Ally: Emotion packed
Ally: Winter is
Ally: lol
Mandy: LOL. What about Bella?
*Wiggles eyebrows* I wonder if Damon will be possessive.. Doubt it, but I can
Ally: You'll just have
to see. She will be very angry at some point.
Mandy: Aw. I shall wait patiently.
though I do have some chapters to catch up on, so. ;)
Mandy: When're you posting that
chapter? Ally: I think, sometime next week, possibly Tuesday.
Ally: I want to post NOW, but I haven’t started the
chapter after that one, which is my new rule. I have to have at least 2
chapters written before posting a new one. So that updates are more frequent.
Ally: My readers
complain a lot when I take a long time to post.
Mandy: I think they forget sometimes
that authors are taking time out of their own lives to do something they're not
getting paid for.
Mandy: I've received death threats
in anon reviews, for joke's sake. o.o
Mandy: least I hope it was a
joke, or I'd be worried about their mental health. Death threats over internet?
Ally: :)
Ally: Please (whew)
Ally: I KNOW!
Ally: Me too
Mandy: :O
Ally: I swear some
people take fanfiction too seriously
Mandy: True! Numerous times I've
wanted to just throw my hands up and say "I quit."
Mandy: But the ladies at
BB...they're convincing. ;)
Ally: I've noticed
Ally: ;)
Ally: Mandy, I think
you did a great job setting up the awards :) So I want to thank you for that.
Ally: (clap)
Mandy: Thank you! :)
Mandy: And thank you for your time!
It was wonderful getting into your head. :D
Ally: You’re welcome!
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